Download Kali Linux v2.0

Kali Linux Training Lab is a entirely unique platform created to give students the tools they need to succeed in the field of cybersecurity. This article gives a comprehensive description of the Kali Linux Training Lab offered by Hamza Sakhi, highlighting its powerful hacking tools.

Kali Linux Custom by Hamza Sakhi

This custom Kali Linux distribution has been meticulously crafted to provide a highly optimized environment for advanced penetration testing, bug bounty hunting, and ethical hacking. Below is the full feature set:

Features & Tools:

  • Latest Updates and Upgrades: The system is fully up-to-date with the latest tools and patches for smooth performance.
  • 4K New Wallpapers: Custom, high-resolution 4K wallpapers for a visually appealing desktop environment.
  • VS Code IDE Installed: A powerful integrated development environment, ideal for programming and script writing.
  • Go Language Installed: Go has been installed with all errors and issues fixed, ready for advanced networking and concurrency tasks.
  • Httpx, Katana, Nuclei (with all templates), and Subfinder Installed: Essential tools for web application discovery, reconnaissance, and exploitation.
  • Chrome Installed: For secure browsing and extension-based hacking support.
  • Largest Wordlists (Seclists): Pre-installed wordlists for brute-force attacks.
  • BurpSuite Pro Installed: Fully set up for professional-level web vulnerability scanning and exploitation.
  • Nessus Installed: Comprehensive vulnerability assessment and penetration testing tool.
  • C2 Villain Framework Installed: Command-and-control framework for advanced attack simulations.
  • Fluxion Automated Wireless Pentesting Installed: Ideal for WiFi network penetration testing and WPA handshake capture.
  • FAT RAT for Android Hacking Installed: Automate backdoor creation for Android penetration testing.

Books Resources Added:

  • Advanced Penetration Testing Book
  • Black Hat Python Book
  • Bug Bounty Bootcamp Book
  • Web Application Hacker’s Handbook Book
  • Car Hacking Handbook Book

Additional Features:

  • OWASP Cheat Sheet Added
  • TCM Security Pentesting Demo Report: A professionally crafted demo report for penetration testing.
  • Custom Terminal Banner Editor: Personalize your terminal with a custom banner for a unique touch.

This setup by Hamza Sakhi is designed to cater to both beginner and advanced security professionals, offering an extensive toolkit and valuable resources for a complete hacking experience.

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Download Kali linux lab from the given link.

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